What We Do


Our Goal

Cultivate a talent pool of entry level engineering and technical graduates with sponsored experience and mentoring that accelerates the learning curve and provides productive employees, many with security clearances to industry clients and government agencies.


Our Process

  • Using partnerships across universities, industry, and government, we identify, mentor, and cultivate student talent to prepare them for aerospace and defense careers.
  • Students are given the opportunity to expand their skills on unclassified projects outsourced from industry and government partners 
  • Can be tailored to supplement existing industry college recruitment programs


Who We Are

We are a group of highly experienced aerospace and defense professionals who have lived through the challenges of hiring talented entry level employees into secure and cleared  environments 


Contact Us

Drop us a line!

Expand Your Recruiting Capability

We are interested in increasing our value to you and to our nation's defense industry trough establishing relationships with additional Universities and Industry Partners.  We look forward to answering any questions you may have.


23371 Mulholland Dr Suite 405, Woodland Hills, CA 91364

(818) 634-5579